Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why do wall colors seem to change?

You ever wonder why wall colors can look soooo different sometimes, depending on the time of day or where you stand in the room. Well, there is a name for that. Who knew? It's called metamerism. And what exactly is metamerism? There are several types of Metamerism. But the two simplest and most relevent to us are ....Illuminant Metamerism and Geometric metamerism. It's the allusion of color variance or color change caused when the eye views color from a different angle (geometric metamerism) or under different light frequencies (illuminant metamerism).

Every type of light, florescent, sun, or incandescent, has a different frequency. So the color looks different under each light source. That's why some of us have showed up at work with two different colored shoes on our feet. Well, they both looked black in 7:00 am incandescent light, but there was a definite difference when you walked into the bright corner window conference room.

It's also why you can look at a corner of a room and the two walls that meet can look like different colors. The eye is seeing the wall color from slightly different angles causing the two walls to appear different colors.

It's the reason people are encouraged to check out a color during different times of the day to see if they like it. It's also one of the reason's here are Pamela's Painting & Design Studio we do big sample boards for our clients. So they can see what the color or decorative finish will REALLY look like when it's on the walls.

So know the next time you look at a corner and see two different colored walls you aren't crazy. It's Metamerism!!!

Happy Painting in Atlanta

Pamela's Painting & Design Studio

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