Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today I'm working with my friend and artist MB Andrews. Andrews is originally from New York City but now resides here in Atlanta GA. She is a tango dancer as well as a fine mixed media artist. Her work has been exibited all over New York and Atlanta. She is currently working on a collaberation and exibit in Chicago.

I love her work because most everything she does is textural and her use of colors is like no other. Andrews uses paint, ink, charcoal and stuff I don't even know what it is. She uses it all together in an extraordinary way. And today I get to play in the paint with her.

You can see her work hanging in the SieMatic kitchen showroom here in Atlanta.

Happy Painting!!!

Pamela's Painting & Design Studio

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A day not painting

When I tell people that I'm a decorative painter people often say "huh?" What kind of painter? I then give them some examples of faux painting. You know, venetian plaster, faux exposed brick behind plaster walls in a brand new Italian restuarants, etc... Then they get it. A lot of people then remark I that I have a "cool" job. Well, yes I do have a cool job in some ways, on some days. Other days being a decorative painter in Atlanta is far from cool.

For those that don't know Atlanta GA is known for it's horrible traffic. And the Metro Atlanta area is HUGE a little over 5.5 million these days. Running around town for quotes, supplies, and errands isn't always fun. But, I guess it still beats being behind a desk.

This evening I joined other decorative artist and we had art class. I learned some cool stenciling affects with colored glaze and alcohol. Although I was really struggling tonight and totally ruined my sample board. Most everyone's turned out well. I'll pick mine up and finish it later when the mojo is flowing.

Even we artist have moments when we aren't artistic. So, be brave, be creative. Pick a color and go painting something!

Happy Painting

Pamela's Painting!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Why do wall colors seem to change?

You ever wonder why wall colors can look soooo different sometimes, depending on the time of day or where you stand in the room. Well, there is a name for that. Who knew? It's called metamerism. And what exactly is metamerism? There are several types of Metamerism. But the two simplest and most relevent to us are ....Illuminant Metamerism and Geometric metamerism. It's the allusion of color variance or color change caused when the eye views color from a different angle (geometric metamerism) or under different light frequencies (illuminant metamerism).

Every type of light, florescent, sun, or incandescent, has a different frequency. So the color looks different under each light source. That's why some of us have showed up at work with two different colored shoes on our feet. Well, they both looked black in 7:00 am incandescent light, but there was a definite difference when you walked into the bright corner window conference room.

It's also why you can look at a corner of a room and the two walls that meet can look like different colors. The eye is seeing the wall color from slightly different angles causing the two walls to appear different colors.

It's the reason people are encouraged to check out a color during different times of the day to see if they like it. It's also one of the reason's here are Pamela's Painting & Design Studio we do big sample boards for our clients. So they can see what the color or decorative finish will REALLY look like when it's on the walls.

So know the next time you look at a corner and see two different colored walls you aren't crazy. It's Metamerism!!!

Happy Painting in Atlanta

Pamela's Painting & Design Studio

A color change saves the day! And money!

Here is a perfect example where paint can make all the difference. When the owner of Amy's Skincare Oasis was opening there was a very tight budget. Amy found this very sturdy and perfectly functional desk at a great deal. The only problem? It was sooooo ugly. She wasn't going to get it. I looked at it and saw it was PERFECT. It was just the wrong color. It took a little convincing, but I finally convinced her I could make it pefect for her new calming and relaxing spa. I didn't tell her what I was going to do.......I asked her to just trust me. I knew what it needed

I went to work and in a day I transformed this ugly knotty pine desk into a bleached out drift wood desk. It was perfect for her sand and water colored spa oasis. It was an amazing transformation. She loved it and her friends couldn't believe she was able to use that big, ugly, orange desk.

When you find that perfect peice of furniture for your space but think .....if it were only a different color. Don't forget there is always the option to paint!

Happy Painting all!

Pamela Thompson

Pamela's Painting ATL - A Faux Finish Design Studio


Saturday, June 12, 2010

How to pick colors for your home, when you're NOT a designer.

One of the hardest things for many people to do is pick paint colors. It is a scary thing for many people. Today I will give you a few tips on how you can pick colors for your home that you will love without fear... OK...with less fear.

Paint stores finally offer small paint samples that will cover several sq/ft. This takes much of the fear away and makes it's much easier to pick the right paint colors with larger paint samples that allow you to "test" you paint choice on a larger area of the walls to be painted. This will take much of the guess work and fear out of picking the perfect paint color for any room.

There are several things to take into consideration when picking colors. What mood do you want the space to have? A calming sage green bedroom, a lively red playroom, relaxing yet neutral gold living room etc? What style is the the room and the furniture in the room you are painting? Is there any colors that you HATE? Do you like cool or warm colors? How much light does the room get? What is the color of the adjoining rooms?

Are you overwhelmed yet? Don't be, we will break it down to help you find the perfect color.

How do you decide what will look good? What ever YOU like is what looks good. Remember this is a space you will be coming home to and living in every day......make sure it's something you love and that is what's going to look good. Look at magazines and collect pictures of rooms you like. What do you like about the room? The color? The lay out? The feel or furniture? This is a good way to figure out what you like,what you don't like, and get ideas.

There are two places I start in helping a client pick paint colors. First we look around at the room, the style and color of furniture, and accessories in the room. Also remember to take into consideration any adjoining rooms. If the current furnishings are going in the new room they need to be taken into consideration so the new colors won't clash with them. Is there a particular painting that you love the colors, a pillow, or blanket etc... Consider these colors for the room. Or for the accent colors for the room

The second place I tell customers they need to seriously look at is their wardrobe? Their wardrobe you ask? Yes, your wardrobe. What you will find in your wardrobe are the colors you are most drawn to, comfortable with, and that you look and feel the best in. These are the colors you will enjoy living in for a long time.

Once you have chosen a few colors from your favorite pillow, rug, painting or wardrobe go to the paint store and pick a few samples. Many have 3-6 colors in the same family but different intensities on one sample card. Pick several colors and take them home. Look at them in different lights and against different pieces of furniture, accessories and the adjoining rooms. Some you will know instantly that you don't like....discard them. The others set with them a few days. Then go to the paint store and for around $5 you can get a sample large enough to paint a few sq/ft. Paint your sample/s on poster board and prop it against the wall. See how it looks in all types of light. Place it behind your couch or favorite painting and see how it looks as a backdrop.

Remember that much of your painted wall space will be covered up with furniture, pictures and curtains. Now, add in door ways and windows and there isn't that much wall space showing. So, don't be afraid of what looks like a bold color choice. A color can look quite dark with a tiny 1"x1"paint chip against a bright white wall or trim peice. Once you cover a large area with that same color it usually doesn't look as dark. When you layer the furniture in and cover large areas with entertainment center, and pictures there is really not much wall space showing in many homes.

I hope this helps. Be brave, pick a color you love.

Happy Painting!
Pamelas PaintingATL

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Sound of Color? Huh

"The Sound of Color " You may ask why? The answer is, many people don't realize that color really does "speak" to us. It affects our mood and blood pressure. Color can make our heart race or have an instant calming affect on us. For those into sience there are studies that support this. For the more artisticlly aware you just know and feel it but aren't always sure why or how.

Color affects us all in drastic as well as subtle ways. Think of the color red. Red cars, and red there anything that can make your heart race the way those two things can? Now imagine that same car or dress in mint green. Pretty bland hu? They just don't have the same affect in mint or mauve do they? It changes the picture completely.

Every notice how often the color green is used in government and institutional buildings? That's because there have been color studies done. They showed that when people were given a task in a green room and then asked afterward how long where you in the room/at the task they most often answered less time than the actual time it took. When the same was done with red rooms people more often thought they were in the room longer than they actually were. Now granted you would think they could use a more attractive green then they do sometimes. But there is actual science behind why certain colors are used.

Marketing is another prime example where color plays a very important role. Much time and money is put into the packageing of products. You see aroma theropy candles are always in soft "relaxing" colors. It's why you don't see hot pink would be hard for the mind to relax surounded with hot pink and lime green. Calming blues and tranquil greens tend to go in spas. This is not by accident.

So, if you're feeling anxious or down look around. Maybe a color change is what you need. Having a hard time getting to sleep and resting well? Perhaps red wasn't the best choice for your bedroom. When you souround yourself with the right colors it is amazing what a difference it makes in your life. When you get home from work the room that you come home to can make all the difference at the end of the day. So treat yourself right and suround yourself with the right colors.

And if you live in the Atlanta GA area give us a call at Pamela's Painting and we will be happy to help you with your changes.

Happy Painting everyone!